Investment portfolio builder

New compliance and portfolio builder for Wealth Managers in Switzerland.

  • Investment portfolio for transnational clients
  • Design Thinking workshops with wealth managers
  • High regulated environment
The challenge

Wealth managers in Zurich and Geneva manage a portfolio of clients across the world. When these wealth managers meet their clients, sometimes outside Switzerland, different regulations apply when the clients are located in one country, but they are citizens from another. These regulatory rules impact the products that wealth managers need to put together in a portfolio for their clients. This task is highly time consuming, prone to error and needs an extra workforce to support senior wealth managers.

We needed to drastically reduce the time of setting investment portfolios for overseas clients and the compliance risk for senior wealth managers' support in few clicks.

Insights and action

We used Google design sprint to trigger innovation with senior wealth managers. In addition to this, wealth managers were interviewed to identify challenges, needs, and most relevant blockers that might avoid using our ideal tool.
After an analysis of documents metadata was identified with the most relevant variables attached to each investment product that directly correlated with international regulation.

The effect

We created a new, flexible, intelligent portfolio builder application that could access all available products in the bank database and complied with the client meeting scope.
This new tool reduced the senior wealth managers' workload and allowed them to explore new products for their clients.