Knowledge Visualisation System

A New Interactive and Intelligent system of Risk Identification and Management of Global Markets for an international Financial Institution.

  • Complex cognitive tasks
  • Knowledge discovering systems
  • High Transaction financial system
  • Big Data visualisation
The challenge

Reconciliation and Analysis of global transactions across all Global Investment Market assets for an international financial institution conduct weekly meetings with several analysts reviewing thousands of pre-selected risk transactions for all global assets across the world. After this first analysis, senior stakeholders review and discuss the transaction and decide how to act.

The challenge was to simplify the entire process using Big Data analysis, thereby reducing the entire risk analysis process to a click.

Insights and action

We needed to:

  • Reduce the time processing, identifying patterns and making decisions about outstanding complex transaction behaviour
  • Reduce internal resistance to digital changes
  • Improve the reduced human perceptual range and cognitive capacity when users are under a large amount of stress
  • To effectively display Big Data on mobile devices

We conducted:

  1. Research interviews
  2. A design sprint
  3. Cognitive Walkthrough with Financial Experts and Senior Stakeholders
  4. Co-creation Workshops

The effect

We designed an interactive data system which delivered actionable intelligence with beautiful info-dense visuals and speeds time to market to analyse risk in one click.