
Navigating the Future: Analyzing the Biden Administration's Strategic Approach to Responsible AI Development.

November 23, 2023
Marysabel Villafuerte

In recent years, Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become a transformative force across various sectors of society, from healthcare and national security to education and privacy. Recognizing the immense potential and the pressing need for responsible AI development, the United States government has initiated a series of critical actions to shape the future of AI in different areas like safety, security, protecting Americans' privacy, in the promotion of equity and civil rights, in consumer protection, healthcare, supporting workers, labor market impacts, in the promotion of innovation and competition. What is more in the American leadership abroad and responsible government use of AI. The recent executive order issued establishes a new standard in various domains, emphasizing safety, security, and trustworthiness.

For example, in Safety and Security, developers of the most powerful AI systems are now required to share their safety test results and other critical information with the US government. This move is aimed at safeguarding national security, economic security, and public health by ensuring that potentially risky AI models are thoroughly evaluated before public release. On the other hand, in cybersecurity is being established an advanced cybersecurity program to develop AI tools capable of identifying and rectifying vulnerabilities in critical software.

Another example, we can find in data collection evaluation. In this field, the US government will evaluate how federal agencies collect and use commercially available information. Apart from that, worrying about algorithmic discrimination that has been presented in some cases, for instance: COMPAS (Correctional Offender Management Profiling for Alternative Sanctions) algorithm predicted that black defendants were more at risk of reoffending than their white counterpartsi. But it was not the only one AI with this kind of problem, in 2015, the Amazon’s algorithm discriminated against women. The Amazon´s automated recruitment system said the male applicant was better for technical roles according to the data it managed. In the end, this initiative was abandoned by Amazonii. That´s why, the Biden-Harris administration has taken significant steps to combat algorithmic discrimination and promote equity and civil rights. One is addressing algorithmic discrimination for the purpose of investigating and prosecuting civil rights violations related to AI. However, will all these measures be enough to ensure safety and trustworthy in AI in comparison with the paces being taken in China? At the moment, Beijing is leading the way in AI regulation, with new strategies to manage algorithm, chatbot and others AI technologies since 2017 with the New Generation AI Development Plan that was released on July 20th and now, with The Cyberspace Administration of China´s (CAC) Generative Measures in the current year.  

However, China's strict measures would not allow AI companies to innovate as quickly as their US counterpartsiii. This panorama would facilitate the strengthening of the United States' leadership position in the future of AI development. But nothing has been said yet; everything will depend on whether the actions taken by the Biden government are effective. Therefore, we will have to wait for what the future tells us.  

Bibliography target=” _blank” target=”_blank” target=”_blank” idUSKCN1MK08G target=”_blank” target=”_blank” target=”_blank”

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