
Important News: UK publishes an AI white paper to regulate these technologies.

September 5, 2023
Marysabel Villafuerte

As AI advances every day, it has become essential to start regulating the use of AI, not only because of the benefits it has shown but also because of the risks it can entail. With the current landscape in mind, the UK Department for Science, Innovation and Technology(DSIT) has prepared a high-quality consultation paper on the proposed approach to AI regulation in the UK.

DSIT proposes that all sectors of the economy must follow 5 principles for the use and responsible development of AI. These principles are:

1.-Safety, security and robustness

2.-Appropriate transparency and explainability


4.-Accountability and governance

5.-Contestability and redress.

In the same paper, also indicate that regulators must monitor and evaluate the implementation and effectiveness of the principles in the use of AI and inform companies about the obligations they must comply with.

Finally,the document states that one of the main objectives in developing it has been to "strengthen the United Kingdom's position as a world leader in AI,harness AI’s ability to drive growth and prosperity, and increase public confidence in these technologies". Because in words of Max Depree: “The first responsibility of a leader is to define reality. The last is to say thank you. In between, the leader is a servant”.

If you would like to read the AI white paper, please click the link below:

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